Resting time

Weekly Photo Challenge: Everyday Life

I have spent the last few days in China’s third largest city, Guangzhou. With 11,000,000 people it is a mega-city and heavily built up with skyscrapers, but at street level life goes on as normal. This weeks photos are all reflective of everyday life in Guangzhou.

The Dont Forget Travel Group is taking part in the Weekly Photo Challenge, but we’re adding an extra twist as we’re going to try and adapt the weekly theme into being “travel related” somehow! This week’s theme is: EVERYDAY LIFE.

For an explanation of why I believe these pictures fit the theme Everyday Life, just click on the pictures below. #postaday

Lunch time
Lunch time

Traffic madness

Resting time
Resting time

"meat on a stick"

Anyone for duck?

Rooftop Produce

Main street